STAKEHOLDER STAKEHOLDER: EGTC EFXINI POLI-Network of European Cities for Sustainable Development- SOLIDARCITY NETWORK website

Athens, Greece

EGTC Efxini Poli-Network of European Cities for Sustainable development is the conversion of EFXINI POLI, a network of Greek local authorities aiming to advance its members’ social, cultural, environmental, touristic and agricultural development. In 2012 EFXINI POLI changed into a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation with 29 members, in particular Greek, Cyprus and Bulgarian Local Authorities and other Institutes of knowledge. Through its activities Efxini Poli works towards greener and inclusive cities. The network aims to propose and implement gradually a comprehensive policy for social, cultural, tourist, environmental and agricultural sustainable development of the participating areas. The main mission of the E.G.T.C. EFXINI POLI is the living of all the people of the EU in an environment of permanent peace and sustainable development, economically efficient, socially just and environmentally sustainable, with cohesion and safety of their regions. Prosperity and improvement of life quality by ensuring better environment, more and better jobs, equal opportunities, respect of diversity and social inclusion. The main goals are: -Boost participative democracy and active citizenship -The support, education, training and promotion into employment of the special groups (unemployed, refugees, immigrants, juvenile delinquents, etc.), in order to achieve smoothly and directly their social and economic integration - The participation in international programs - The supply of consultation services and work on Issues of Agricultural and Tourist Development, Cultural Heritage and Environmental Management - Develop the tools and methodologies to communicate policies and help local authorities to convert them into successful practices towards sustainable development - Boost the creation of more and better jobs through making use of the assets of the participating localities and eliminate the CO2 footprint of participating areas by applying sustainable practices.
Geographical working areas
  • Mediterranean (widespread)
Type of player
  • Administrations/Authorities
Main Interests
  • Develop projects for members of EGTC EFXINI POLI (Local and Regional Authorities from Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus )